What will your recruitment process look like?
Let's find out!
Phone contact
Technical & psicotechnical tests
Final feedback
Dive into the selection process:

#1 Registration.
Do you think you are the missing piece to complete our puzzle? If you feel identified with one of our positions, don’t hesitate and take the step! You can apply through the offers we have published. Choose the one that best matches your profile and enter the selection process. We will receive your application promptly.
We will keep you informed as soon as your application is being reviewed.
Can’t find your position? Don’t worry! You can connect with us and let us know what roles interest you. This way, we will keep you in mind for future vacancies that fit your profile.

#2 Phone Contact.
Good news! We find your application interesting. Therefore, we would like to learn more about you and your background.
Get ready! You will soon receive a call from our People & Talent team.

#3 Entrevistas.
¡Ha llegado el momento de conocernos en persona!
Nos encantará profundizar más en aspectos técnicos y saber si encajas con la cultura y valores de IBG.
Además, podrás conocer más acerca del proyecto y posición. Te animamos a que nos hagas preguntas.
Por último, tendrás a tu disposición un “manual de tips” y un pequeño obsequio al llegar.
Y recuerda: ¡Lo importante es que seas tu mismo/a!

#4 Technical & Psycotechnical Tests.
We would like to better understand your technical skills and personal competencies to get to know you in more detail.
Our goal is to ensure you have the best possible fit and adaptation, both to the position and the team.

#5 Final Feedback.
We will provide you with feedback once the decision-making process is completed.
And if everything goes well… Congratulations! The position is yours. We will welcome you to the team through a personalized onboarding process.
If you are not the selected candidate, we hope our paths cross again in the future! We will keep you in mind for future positions, and you will remain in our talent database.

#6 Onboarding.
We welcome you to the team!
We know there’s a lot to learn on your first day. That’s why we want your onboarding experience to be as personalized and smooth as possible—no uncertainties!
Before joining our team, we’ll send you a brief guide outlining what your first day will be like and some extra tips to help you navigate like a pro from day one.
Don’t worry about being overwhelmed with too much information at once. We will carefully prepare your first week with an initial training plan involving key teams and people for your position.
On your first day, you’ll also have a general introduction to the company and receive a welcome pack with, among other things, some gifts from our brands.
After completing your first week, we’ll have a short 1:1 evaluation to see how your initial adaptation has gone and identify any additional needs.
🧩 Are you the piece that fits into our puzzle?